“It isn’t what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It’s what you think about.” -Dale Carnegie

Monday, March 8, 2010

Rant of the Week

So, listen...
Yesterday at church I was sitting in Sunday School, waiting. Our teacher usually waits for the boys who have to spend some time after Sacrament meeting putting the Sacrament stuff away.
So we were just talking and this girl - we'll call her LaFawnduh- asks me if I am able to sleep in. I told her no, and I was adamantly expressing my extreme disgust at the whole idea of sleeping in. Another girl- we'll call her La-a- was agreeing with me, and we were discussing the cons of sleeping in (grogginess, that icky taste in your mouth...)
Then there is a pause in the conversation and a girl -we'll call her Shania- looks up at us and says, "Some people are crazy."

Yeah. People who get off their butts and do something with their lives are crazy.
People who take advantage of the time during the day and get stuff done, who don't spend life dreaming away in their beds are crazy.
People who don't idle the days away are crazy.

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