“It isn’t what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It’s what you think about.” -Dale Carnegie

Monday, March 15, 2010

Say No To Landfills

Quote from my Biology book,

"Human activities can pollute land and water in several ways. Humans produce and must dispose of waste in the form of sewage and unused materials. This pollutes the Earth and kills animals." (Yes, I have taken some liberties with the last sentence for the sake of my fingers.)

So, in other words. {drumroll}

Everything you do pollutes the Earth. Humans produce and dispose of waste in the form of sewage and unused materials. In order to help end this seemingly unending stream of disgusting waste, I feel that we should all eat the peels of our bananas and eat fiber no longer in order to save the planet.

I really should start writing Textbooks.

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