“It isn’t what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It’s what you think about.” -Dale Carnegie

Monday, January 17, 2011


Today has been a wonderful day of relaxation. My Daddy and I drove down to a place (that will remain anonymous to protect the innocent) for his work and I came with because I'm awesome- and I have a cool mom to let me leave and take a break.
My uncle fixed my computer so that I can watch movies on it now. YAY! Also, today I have:
- been awakened by a 28 year old's giggles
- eaten Cheerios
- decoded the lyrics on the inside of the Taylor Swift CD
- eaten a salad
- sucked an M&M out of a baby bottle, and, consequently,
- won a free delicious thing of frozen yogurt from this place

I have also (accidentally) not gone to a Chemistry class. Whoops...
The rest of the day I will:
- play Ghost Recon
- make up for the missing-ness of Chemistry (again, total accident)
- and try to NOT stuff my face with candy

The End.

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